About us
First of all we are very happy,
that you care about us as a company,
what exactly we're doing and what else we're planning,
But before we get to who we are,
Let's get to the much more important point,
What we do.
or more accurately said
Why art?
Because art always says something!
That's why we have set ourselves the goal of not just creating fashion,
we want to create art.
Our clothing should radiate more than just branding.
It should express something.
Next to the
designsWe also want to say something with the crafting.
To counteract today's trend in the fashion world,
whereby more and more and cheaper is produced.
#FFF (fxck fast fashion).
Because we have made it our mission
with environmentally friendly products
putting our designs on clothes ourselves.
That's why we founded this startup "ExpressioPrints",
whereby we use screen printing
our clothes with our own designs
Print and finish yourself and only to order.
Of course in strictly limited quantities.
In the future, this should result in a movement,
for everyone who wants to radiate more.
That's why our goal in the future is to create a fashion brand,
where we determine every step from design to cut ourselves.
This will be EXPRESSIO.
The vision here is
combining our values with bold designs
to finally create our own take on fashion.
Now to us,
we are two friends,
who have always had the same dream.
To create your OWN fashion,
because clothes have always been important to us.
But what matters most to us...
expressive self!